Saturday, September 29, 2012


Sleep is extremely important in ensuring that we function at our best.  A good night sleep allows us to regenerate and recharge after a long day and therefore, the bedroom is one of the most important rooms in your home.  If you are having difficulty sleeping, consider making a few quick and inexpensive changes to your bedroom:

1.  remove all clutter;  remember that clutter is really a bunch of undone tasks, so that is the last thing you want to surround yourself with when you’re trying to close your eyes

2.  remove any items that are work related and ensure the clothes you wore that day are in the laundry hamper or out of sight

3.  radios, televisions, computers and anything else that emits electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) make it more difficult to relax.  In fact, even when electronics are not turned on they still are emitting frequencies, so try to remove them from your bedroom.  If you cannot part with the television (I certainly cannot) then try covering it at night with a blanket or towel for a few weeks and see if that helps your sleep

4.  always ensure your closet and ensuite doors are closed at night to allow a more peaceful sleep

5. headboards are extremely important in ensuring that you feel grounded and safe when you sleep.  For this reason, solid headboards are the best in providing that stability and support

6.  remove mirrors from the bedroom if possible, as they increase the energy of a room.  If you are not willing to part with the mirror, then place it so that you do not see your own reflection or the bed, when you are lying down.  As with the television, you can drape a sheet or cloth over it as well

7.  remove anything with sharp edges and spiky plants – these items increase the energy in your room which is the opposite of what you need. 

Those suggestions will get you started.  What changes can you make to ensure a better night sleep?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

front door color

I love nothing more than a bold front door.   In this age of houses that all look the same, nothing stands out more than a strikingly beautiful front entrance.  In addition, the front door is considered to be the “mouth of chi” in feng shui so if this is the point where all of the energy enters your home, why not jazz it up to attract as much as you can?!? 

Last year I painted my front door a bright bold red.  I carefully chose the color not only for its significance in feng shui (red = prosperity) but also design-wise, I wanted to ensure that the door color enhanced the remainder of our home.  Since our house has light beige siding and brown shingles with a reddish/orange undertone to them, this red was a great choice.  After carefully painting our new door and ensuring it was perfect, we placed it on the house.  It immediately transformed our home and we loved it.  Basking in the glory of our new home (really ... the door color changed the whole feel of the house) and the additional good energy I was bringing in, the unthinkable happened ... the pink rosebush in my front yard started to bloom and the flowers clashed with my new door!  Instantly my door looked more orange and I realized that I had forgotten to consider my landscaping when choosing the color. 

I thought of repainting, but the color was really striking minus the pink roses.  I chose to move my beautiful pink rose bush to our backyard and purchase yellow and red roses for my front yard.  I love it again.  Lesson learned:  when choosing a door color, consider the meaning of the color, the remainder of your home and the landscaping as well!!!!

What door color would be perfect for your home?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

items to inspire

I have spent a year avoiding Pinterest like the plague.  I wasn’t against it by any means, I just felt that since most of my day is spent in front of a computer, accepting an invite to Pinterest would mean more hours in front of it.  After a great friend repeatedly urged me to sign up, I have now done so.  Darn!  She was right.  It really is amazing.  I was right too … I’m spending way more hours in front of the computer.  Hello my name is Sandra and I am a Pinterest addict ….

Soon after I joined, I was asked why I have no feng shui boards on my account.  Simple:  Feng Shui is not about adding a few Chinese symbols and buddhas to your home and ignoring everything else.  It is about ensuring that your space has the feel you want, the energy you strive for and that all of the items you surround yourself with mean something to you For example, you will notice on my Pinterest site ( that there are a number of posters and sayings pinned onto the boards that I am using for redesigning options for my children's rooms.  They are there, because they represent my children, what they wish to accomplish or what they love to do and I will never put a picture or saying in their rooms unless it resonates with them personally.  Every piece of art that surrounds them should create a positive feeling for them and this is why they will have an integral part in choosing what goes into their bedrooms.  Remember that our environments are continually sending messages to our subconscious mind, so it is imperative that we surround ourselves with items that inspire us.

Now, in my own room I have placed a Tibetan Buddha, not because it is a feng shui symbol, but because of what it represents to me ... peacefulness and groundedness, confidence and protection.  When I look at it, I am reminded of these characteristics and it focuses me in on what it is that I wish to achieve.  If you look at each piece of art in your space, pay particular attention to what it represents to you.  How does it make you feel?  Decide what it is that you wish to bring into your life and then ask yourself this question:  Does your art assist you along that path you wish to travel or is it creating a detour?

Friday, July 06, 2012

the dragonfly

About a year ago, my mother attended a work barbecue.  While at the event, a dragonfly flew into her hair and would not leave despite her trying to swish it away.  A man instantly stated, “That’s good luck!!!”  Within days, she was offered her dream job.  Honestly … at least once a week she says that she still cannot believe how amazing it is.  Was it the dragonfly???

Yesterday, I noticed a tiny bright blue dragonfly flying near me.  I stayed for a while to watch it;  it was hovering right near me and was so close that I could see the iridescence of its wings and its gorgeous bright color.  Then, it landed on my finger.  The dragonfly stayed there for a number of minutes and I immediately felt blessed.  Who couldn’t use some additional luck!?!?  After it flew away, I started to wonder where the “lucky” legend originated from.  After doing some reading, it appears that there are a number of cultures that believe that dragonflies are lucky and that they signify change.  Several websites indicate that the dragonfly symbolizes prosperity and harmony in China and that some Chinese see this insect as a good luck charm.  According to Japanese culture, dragonflies are to be admired and respected as a sign of change and a few websites even stated that the samurai see the dragonfly as a symbol of power, agility and victory.  Some Native American cultures see the dragonfly as a sign of purity, speed and happiness.  My personal favorite view comes from the book Animal Speak by Ted Andrews.  In it, he states that if a dragonfly has shown up in your life, look for change to occur.  “Dragonfly brings the brightness of transformation and the wonder of colorful new vision.” 

A great quote that I have posted in my office is by Frank Lloyd Wright (US architect who designed The Guggenheim in New York City) and it states:  "The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen".  I love this quote and I love the symbolism of the dragonfly.  What’s more … I truly believe in it.  THAT is what makes it powerful. 

What do you consider lucky?

Saturday, June 16, 2012


We purchased our home almost 4 years ago now and when we first arrived we noticed the most beautiful lush green grass.  A great sign that the property had good energy!  There was no fence, no trees, no flowers … only some berry bushes in one corner and a thick wonderful lawn.  What I love most about a blank slate like this, is that we can add depth and our own personality to it, without having to work from the previous owner’s landscaping tastes or at times, removing it all just to start fresh. 

Since we purchased the home, we’ve built a fence, added fruit and ornamental trees and lots of flowers, with the eventual goal of developing an oasis over time.  When working on your own backyard, here are some feng shui points to consider:

- trees and plants add energy to the yard and to your home.  Trees signify stability and healing so ensure they are always well taken care of, happy and healthy.  Try to avoid trees and bushes with spiky leaves or cactus needles, if possible.

- gazing balls (my next addition) can be used in yards to deflect negative energy from entering your yard, bouncing it right back where it came from.  If placed near some beautiful flowers or shrubs they also reflect the flowers which visually multiplies them.

- wind chimes and water features are a wonderful way to add sound energy to your outdoor living space.  Wind chimes are thought to protect the home from negative energy and water features (including birdbaths, lakes, ponds, streams) are considered lucky for finances.  Always ensure your water is not stagnant and dirty.  Clean moving water lends to thriving finances.

- if creating a path or flowerbed, curved or meandering pathways are always preferred.  This allows the energy to flow at an even pace and not too fast (as is the case with straight lines/paths) creating a more peaceful, relaxing atmosphere.  If you are dealing with a straight pathway that cannot be changed, consider adding a wavy flowerbed on either side, or flower pots in a zig-zag pattern on either side of the walkway which will mimic the idea of a curved path.

- a fire pit is a wonderful way to add the energy of inspiration, empowerment and purification.  In addition, placing this in the fame (back centre) or intimate relationships area (back right) of your yard is particularly auspicious and can enhance your life in those areas. 

How does your backyard make you feel and what can you do to enhance it even further?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I am currently working towards an interior design diploma and have been studying colour.  Have you ever thought about the origin of certain colours? I was fascinated to learn that in ancient Roman times, purple dye was extracted from the glands of murex mollusks. It took more than ten thousand of these shellfish to produce enough dye to colour just one Emperor’s robe. Since this was an expensive and labour-intensive process, it was only the very wealthy who could afford to wear clothing of this hue. This is said to be the reason why the colour purple became associated with royalty.
In BTB Feng Shui, the colour purple is associated with wealth and abundance. When standing at your front door, the back left section of your home is designated as your Wealth and Abundance Gua. If you wish to improve your financial situation, consider adding some purple to this area of your home. If purple does not work with your current home décor, think about planting some purple flowers in the back left corner of your property.  Let me know how your finances improve!

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Recently I was approached by someone who was fearful of feng shui - she thought that it was a religious belief somehow in conflict with that of her own.  My response was this:  Feng shui is not a religion.  It teaches us to be mindful of the environment we live in and the items that we surround ourselves with.  If a client of mine has a particular belief that they would like to enhance, I love to find ways creative ways to do that in their home.  There is nothing more powerful than choosing a special place for a wonderful Cross, a Tibetan Buddha or a Serenity Prayer, with the intention that you have placed it there for the purpose of celebrating it.  Are you celebrating your beliefs in your space?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

there's power in memories

This is my favourite mug.  I purchased it on a trip to Las Vegas that I took three years ago with my husband and our friends.  I love the mug, not because of the mug itself, but because of the amazing power it has to bring me happiness.  It has the capacity to instantly remind me not only of the margaritas I drank (they were tasty), but also of the friends we traveled with, the amazing food we ate, the experiences we had and the minute-to-minute laughter that made my stomach hurt.  I swear that I open the cupboard every weekend morning and my heart sings a little just by looking at it.  That will sound corny to everyone that knows me ... but it is so true.

Today, as I sipped coffee from my special mug, I thought about the other items in my home that instantly bring a smile to my face:  pictures of our children at Disneyland that are on our mantle, rocks that we picked from the beach last year that I still keep on our kitchen windowsill, a framed menu from “The Fish Market” in San Diego (is it normal that my mouth starts to water when I look at that thing?). 

My task for this week is to have my children identify THEIR happiest moments, find an item or picture that reminds them of that time and find a special place for it their rooms.  What a great way to start their day with a memory that brings them back to joy they felt in that happy moment.  So, this week, I challenge you to think back to your most memorable times – your absolutely blissful experiences.  Are you surrounded by items of your happiest moments?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

awkward spaces

There are consultants who will tell you not to purchase a certain home (or to move) because of the characteristics of that home.  I am not that person.  I believe that every home can be turned into a gem, no matter what the “problem” is and I can attest to it.  We have an awkward basement – it is a space that I dreaded going into because of weird angles, too many doors and hallways and furniture that did not fit the space well.  So, after four years of focusing on the main floor and avoiding this seemingly poorly designed area, my husband and I tackled it last weekend. 

Previously, the room was butter yellow and mossy green which is not “us” at all.  We painted the space a wonderful dark griege (neutral colour somewhere between grey and beige) and switched out our upstairs furniture for the downstairs stuff.  We put an area rug down which anchors the seating area and makes it feel more comfortable – feng shui-wise, this is because the area rug encourages the energy (chi) to slow down, rather than move quickly through the space, down the halls and through the doors.  I found two lamps that I absolutely love.  They add to the cozy feeling of the room and also work to energize the space.  We moved some of the accessories around to make the room appear wider and completely removed the ones that didn’t work anymore.  I still have a few more accents to add but I love the feel of the room now.  We have successfully dealt with the shar chi (negative energy) of the odd angles in the room without tearing down walls, slowed the energy down enough for us to relax and then re-energized the space.  We now focus on the wonderful parts of the room, like the large windows and wonderful patio doors that open onto our back deck.

Do you have an awkward space?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

the why and the how of it all

I wish I could always explain exactly how and why feng shui works.  I can’t.  I understand how changes in our environment can affect the energy (chi) flow, because I can feel the difference when I walk into a room.  I understand how our lives, our attitudes and our moods can change when our spaces are set up to support us.   I cannot, however, always explain why I receive additional money after I have re-energized my wealth area.  How DOES that convert to extra cheques in the mail? 

My logical brain enjoys knowing “the why and the how of it all” and for many years I struggled with not understanding everything about feng shui.  I then read Sarah Rossbach’s book entitled Interior Design with Feng Shui.  She wrote:  “Although some cures seem logical, I am still not sure why feng shui works – why a few simple, seemingly inconsequential alterations in the environment can make it more comfortable, more positively imbued;  perhaps the answer is beyond our current level of knowledge”. 

That statement made so much sense to me and I felt relief to know that it was ok for me not to understand it all the time.  I give you that same permission.  Use feng shui as a fun way to change your environment and see what happens!  One of my favourite transcendental cures is for generating change.  When you feel stuck and would like to generate new opportunities, move 27 items in your home.  Leave them in their new spot for at least seven days and pay attention to the new opportunities that come your way …

Sunday, March 11, 2012

around the world

I love blogging.  I find it so amazing that people from around the world are reading what I’ve written.  While my blog is still most popular in Canada, there are others from various countries that are reading it as well.  So far, I have readers from:  Canada, United States, Russia, Germany, Philippines, Malaysia, Brazil, Latvia, Turkey and Venezuela.  Wow!  People from 10 different countries are tuning in to see what I have to say.  That’s incredible to me and a bit daunting at the same time.  If any of you write your own blogs please send the link to me via email (  I would love to see what you are writing about. 


p.s. I have a new website!!  This site tells a little more about me and what it is that I do.  Please check it out and send in your comments/suggestions!

Sunday, March 04, 2012

to edit, or not to edit

Recently, I’ve noticed that “editing” your belongings has become a real focus of not only feng shui consultants and professional organizers but interior designers as well.  Designer Thomas Smythe in House and Home magazine last year gave budget makeover advice:  “Edit, edit, edit!  One of the best ways to perk up a room is to strip it of all the accessories, then put half back and lose the rest – you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.” 

Since I am continually editing my spaces I figured that there would be no possible way that I could complete this task.  So, I went from room to room in my home trying to imagine which accessories I would remove and relocate or recycle in some way. What I noticed, was that removing half of the items from a room that I loved was impossible, but it was really quite easy to remove them in rooms that needed a fresh look. What room in your home could use a quick makeover?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

more money

Imagine opening a beautifully organized wallet.  It is clean and filled with only the essentials - even a few of the card slots remain empty.  It opens and closes easily and there is a $100 bill inside.  Next, you open a different wallet.  This wallet pops open easily because it doesn’t stay shut.  It is stuffed full of credit cards, store cards and old pictures.  The change area is filled not only with change, but the back of an earring, the tooth your child lost that day and a fortune cookie fortune.  You open this wallet hoping to reveal some cash but instead, it is crammed full of oddly-shaped debit card receipts.  How do these different wallets make you feel?  What do you think they tell your subconscious mind?

I have used both of these wallets, I must admit.  I have been the person with the $100 bill and also the one with the tooth in my change purse.  Opening the organized money-filled wallet works for me on several levels:  1) I feel more abundant opening up my wallet to some money;  2) I can physically see the money that I am spending and I become more of a conscious consumer – I’m less likely to break a $100 bill for something that I really don’t need;  3) having an organized simple wallet keeps me more in control of my finances.  The result?  More money!

So, for a great boost to your finances, clean and organize your purses and wallets and shine up your money clips;  remove the receipts from your wallet at the end of every day and ensure you always have money in it.  Try this for at least one month and watch your finances improve!!!

Sunday, February 05, 2012

purse placement

Last year I attended a meeting where we were all asked to remove our purses from off of the floor because it was considered to be “bad money luck”.  I was aware of the Chinese Proverb that states “A purse on the floor is money out the door” and that some regard placing your purse on the floor as bad feng shui.  What I didn’t know was that many different cultures have this belief as well.  Here is my personal take on it:  our purses (wallets, money clips, etc) represent our relationship to money.  By placing our purse on the floor we are unconsciously saying that we do not take the utmost of care when it comes to respecting our finances. 

So now what do we do with it?  We can’t place it on the back of our chair because someone could steal it, we don’t want to place it on the table because our purses carry a thousand germs (likely a result of placing them so many times on the floor) and let’s face it … our laps are not big enough for the size of the purses these days.  I have chosen to purchase a purse hook so that I can hang it off the table.  Where do you put your purse?

Sunday, January 15, 2012


My grandfather always kept his car in spotless condition.  He believed that the state of his vehicle displayed to the world how well he took care of everything else.  While I definitely try to keep my vehicle clean and maintained, hockey trips and vacations somehow equate to McDonald’s French fries underneath the back seat.  Yes, busy lives mean we tend to let some things go.  This year, I am focusing on … well … focusing.  To me, that means being conscious of how I spend my time, my energy, my money, what I eat and basically being in control of my life, not the other way around.  In order for me to do that, my environment must mirror that;  it must be as simplified, orderly and as in control as possible.  So, while I will always continue to carefully consider the items that I surround myself with, this year I have decided to place additional emphasis on cherishing not just the items in my environment, but the spaces themselves.  This includes an always clean vehicle that is French fry-free.  Are you cherishing your spaces?

Monday, January 02, 2012

the resolution

I admit that I too, am guilty of making the New Year’s Resolution that is not possible for me to maintain:  “I will go to the gym every day for one whole year” or “I resolve to never drink coffee again”.  Rather than swear off making resolutions, I have revamped the way I view this New Year’s tradition.  Now, over the course of the holidays I reflect back on my accomplishments of the past year and I begin to set various goals for myself that I wish to achieve in the upcoming year.  Once I’ve set those specific goals for myself, I look to my space and “feng shui it” so that I can reach those goals. 

You may be thinking, “Haven’t you already feng shui’d your space?” and the answer is, "Of course I have", but it is an ever-evolving process.  When you set a new goal for yourself, you can make some minor changes to your space that will support you in reaching that goal.  I always say that feng shui is like a vision board for your home;  your vision board changes as your goals do and so can your environment.

According to several websites, the most popular New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight in 2012.  If you are one of those people, here are a few feng shui tips that will assist you in keeping that resolution:
- section your home or work space into 9 equal parts like a tic-tac-toe board.  The middle sector represents your health and well-being.  The elements for this area are earth which represents stability and groundedness and sun which represents vibrancy and life.  Clear out all the clutter and sweep the area;
- add a healthy plant to this area and nurture it
- add items in earth tones, earth materials or square objects to this space
- add yellow items (if it works with the colours in your home) to represent the sun
- write down your goals onto a piece of paper and place it somewhere in this space (even tack it to the back of a picture where it is unseen)
- now take a step back and objectively look at this space.  Ensure that everything in it reminds you of being healthy

That’s a great start… good luck and Happy New Year!