Imagine opening a beautifully organized wallet. It is clean and filled with only the essentials - even a few of the card slots remain empty. It opens and closes easily and there is a $100 bill inside. Next, you open a different wallet. This wallet pops open easily because it doesn’t stay shut. It is stuffed full of credit cards, store cards and old pictures. The change area is filled not only with change, but the back of an earring, the tooth your child lost that day and a fortune cookie fortune. You open this wallet hoping to reveal some cash but instead, it is crammed full of oddly-shaped debit card receipts. How do these different wallets make you feel? What do you think they tell your subconscious mind?
I have used both of these wallets, I must admit. I have been the person with the $100 bill and also the one with the tooth in my change purse. Opening the organized money-filled wallet works for me on several levels: 1) I feel more abundant opening up my wallet to some money; 2) I can physically see the money that I am spending and I become more of a conscious consumer – I’m less likely to break a $100 bill for something that I really don’t need; 3) having an organized simple wallet keeps me more in control of my finances. The result? More money!
So, for a great boost to your finances, clean and organize your purses and wallets and shine up your money clips; remove the receipts from your wallet at the end of every day and ensure you always have money in it. Try this for at least one month and watch your finances improve!!!