Saturday, September 10, 2011


Animals have the innate ability to sense energy.  They can sense storms approaching and seek safety well in advance of the first visible sign of the weather change.  Over time, humans have become less in tune to that gift, but we still do possess it.  We can enter into a home and immediately feel comfortable, inspired, relaxed or otherwise.  Feng shui is the study of that energy and consultants focus on using the knowledge and predictable patterns of energy to create harmony and balance in your space. 

Ideally, you want the energy in your home to move slowly through every room, hallway and corner, much like a meandering stream… not a rushing river, nor a stagnant pond.  Using that same analogy then, having clutter in your space has similar effects as a beaver dam to a river.  It’s presence stagnates energy in your space;  it results in limiting your possibilities for new and wonderful opportunities and it is the first thing a feng shui consultant will consider during a consultation.   Now, is my home completely clutter free all the time?  Of course not - but, when I begin to feel overwhelmed and things are not going as I want them to, I take another objective look at my space and start to declutter and reorganize, even if it's just one kitchen drawer or a hall closet.  Author Karen Kingston wrote:  “Being clear of clutter is one of the greatest aids I know to manifesting the life you want, and it is absolutely essential if you truly want to know joy and happiness in your life.  When you experience joy, it is a feeling of great energy flowing through your body and this cannot happen if your channels are clogged.” 

One more thing:  one of the residual effects of keeping clutter is a feeling of being completely overwhelmed.  Begin clutter clearing as I do, with one drawer or one closet, and move on from there.  If you are still struggling with this task, consider hiring a professional organizer!  The benefits will be well worth the money spent.  If you live in the Lakeland Area of Alberta, contact professional organizer, Kathleen Boland or check out her blog An Organized Life which is on my blogroll.  You will be amazed with the long-lasting results!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I think people hesitate to start because they don't know how long it will take to complete a task. If you never start, you never finish. You would be surprised how little time it takes!