Sunday, November 06, 2011

the front door

In feng shui, your front door represents the way that you interact with the world.  In addition, it is what draws attention (and energy) to your home.  Take a step back from your home and objectively look at your front door.  Do you notice it from the street or do you pass by without interest?  Is it exciting, vibrant and “full of energy"?  Is it a calm and relaxing contrast to your dynamic home?  What else do you notice now that you are once again looking as if for the first time?  Do you notice the garden hose before you notice the door, for example?  Are there items that you wish to move?  If you wish to make changes in your life, begin with your door.  If you would like help, call a feng shui consultant!


NatL said...

I love this picture of a front door. As you know, I painted my door red and really love it. I am now thinking about what I should add in terms of decor on my front porch....any tips??? Should it be symmetrical, or does it matter?


Sandra Priestley said...

Since Christmas is upon us, you may wish to add in some lighted trees or urns with fresh greens, berries, etc on either side of your door. The items should be as symmetrical as possible, so choosing items that are identical (or close to it) is preferred.

If you wish to further personalize your home, then consider the items that surround your door as representatives of what it is that you wish to bring into your life. I change the objects on either side of our front door as our goals change. Have fun with this and be creative!