Saturday, December 24, 2011

it feels like Christmas ...

I have always admired those Christmas trees that are designed each year in the colours and trends of the season.  I have friends and family whose trees are gorgeously decorated, uniform, symetrical and I absolutely love the way they become a piece of art in the room.  While I so enjoy those trees, ours is decorated “eclectically” with pieces of our history together as a family.  Many of our decorations have been handmade by our children or are gifts that we have received from special friends and family.  Every time I open the box of decorations we smile, reminisce and remember those people who have been a huge part of our lives when we pick up those gifted ornaments.  I love our tree - I always have and I always will.  It is not a designer tree, nor is it a trendy tree, but it is a tree of our lives together and each year we add more memories to it.  To me, it is the collection of those memories that makes it feel like Christmas.  What one thing stands out as special for you?

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