Thursday, December 08, 2011

the path

I read somewhere that in order to find what it is that you are meant to do, you need to think back to your childhood and determine which experiences stood out in your mind as the best.  In addition to baking with my grandmother, I remember wall-papering and re-wallpapering every room in our house with my mom.  I’m sure I complained about that at some point (and no … I’m not telling you I should have gotten into the wallpapering business) but what I remember most is the joy I felt after it was all completed.  I remember being amazed at how we could completely transform the feel of a room just by adding a bit of paint and paper.  I loved sitting in my room for hours after it was just finished and my dark purple walls with 1970’s funky wallpaper seemed to open me up to a thousand new possibilities.  I believe that feng shui and interior design is what I have always been meant to do.  What are you meant to do?

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