Sunday, February 05, 2012

purse placement

Last year I attended a meeting where we were all asked to remove our purses from off of the floor because it was considered to be “bad money luck”.  I was aware of the Chinese Proverb that states “A purse on the floor is money out the door” and that some regard placing your purse on the floor as bad feng shui.  What I didn’t know was that many different cultures have this belief as well.  Here is my personal take on it:  our purses (wallets, money clips, etc) represent our relationship to money.  By placing our purse on the floor we are unconsciously saying that we do not take the utmost of care when it comes to respecting our finances. 

So now what do we do with it?  We can’t place it on the back of our chair because someone could steal it, we don’t want to place it on the table because our purses carry a thousand germs (likely a result of placing them so many times on the floor) and let’s face it … our laps are not big enough for the size of the purses these days.  I have chosen to purchase a purse hook so that I can hang it off the table.  Where do you put your purse?

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