Sunday, April 28, 2013


For interior designers it is extremely important to keep up with the current trends.  Currently we are seeing the resurgence of brass and gold, faux fur, bringing the outdoors indoors (live edge wood tables as shown above, driftwood walls, tree stump tables ...) and Emerald, the Pantone colour of the year. 

While I love following the current trends of design, I admit that many of these will never make their way into my own home.  I try desperately to only bring items into my space that I absolutely love, that work with my current decor and are functional for me and my family.  Lucite chairs are absolutely amazing, but they don't work well with my decor, nor am I crazy about polishing the handprints off of them.  Sadly, I will have to pass on the lucite chair trend.

In the same way that I decorate my own spaces, I will never suggest to design clients that they put brass kitchen knobs in their home unless they are a fan of brass and it works with their existing decor.  The best feng shui and the most successful designs come from surrounding yourself with items that you personally love and that represent the best parts of you and your family.  That means stepping outside the design magazines sometimes and daring to have your home reflect your family and your own personal style - choosing colours for your walls because you like them and adding a barnboard door because it holds special meaning or memories for you.
If you look around your own home, have you made design choices or received gifted items that are trendy, but not necessarily representative of your home, yourself or your family?   If you let those items go, would you feel differently about your space?

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