Saturday, July 06, 2013

just lean into it

I am a certified Feng Shui Consultant with the International Feng Shui Guild.   I am constantly amazed by the rewards this Guild has brought me:  new perspectives, valued friendships and different opinions that make me appreciate this ancient art more and more every day. 
Yesterday we had a particularly interesting discussion regarding those times when you seem to be handed one piece of bad news after another.  There are a million clichés like “when life hands you lemons ... make lemonade” (or margaritas ... yum) and “everything happens for a reason” etc etc etc.  My favourite so far, was advice from another Guild member.  She said she always looks for the positives, assumes the best and inevitably, even the most challenging situations move her forward.  Her advice was “Just lean into it.”  I LOVE that!  Those four words seemed to instantly resonate with me – they remind me that sometimes taking control over your situation is done by relinquishing control and going with it.  It’s empowering, a bit daring, it works in every situation (good and not-so-good) and it is now my new motto.  Now the task is to find the perfect spot for that quote in my space so that consciously and unconsciously I am always reminded of it. 
Do you have a saying or words of wisdom that have impacted you?  If so, do you have it on display somewhere?

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