Tuesday, April 02, 2013

think success and nothing less

I belong to a women’s networking group in my area.  Last month I attended a breakfast meeting and I came away from that meeting feeling more empowered than I have in the past.  We shared some great ideas, lessons learned and a few laughs as well.  During that meeting, one of the members spoke about inspirational financial success books that she has read and noted that all of those books seem to have a similar message:  that the belief, desire and intention to achieve success is essential in order to actually achieve it.  Successful people do not dwell on failures or mistakes, but rather use them as experiences that propel them forward. 

I believe this wholeheartedly, both personally and professionally, but that is not to say that I adhere to that thought every minute out of every day.  When I do find that I’m a bit more fearful, a bit more disheartened and a bit more exhausted, I tend to ... stall.  It is these times when I go back to my environment and edit my space for success, even if that means just moving a few things around so that I can appreciate them in a new light.  In addition though, I try to remember to lean on those people who are positive influences in my life.  For me, this is my friends, my family and this networking group.  They remind me to keep striving, to keep moving forward and most importantly, to think "success" and nothing less.  That is enough for me to hit the reset button and change my thought.  What or who do you need to help you hit your reset button?

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